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Musician arrested for producing obscene language

Police in Blantyre have arrested controversial musician Mwiza Chavura.

The musician has been arrested for his song titled ‘Ndidzakupanga rape’ which sparked controversy as rights groups said it promotes sexual abuse of women and children.

National Police Publicist James Kadadzera has told the local media that Chavura is currently being held at Blantyre Police Station.

Police had been looking for Chavura for over a week following controversy that followed the release of the rape song.

In the controversial song, the musician warns a girl that he will rape her.

Following the release of the song, Family Rights, Elderly and Child Protection (FRECHIP) called on the police to arrest the musician.

FRECHIP said one form of sexual harassment is through rude jokes and suggestive stories hence the call for Chavura’s arrest.

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