Wednesday, 26 June 2024

Premature ejaculation: Promescent users share experience

 Barely five months after authorised sole distributor, Mates Pro Limited (, launched Promescent in West Africa, customers have started sharing their amazing experiences of the revolutionary premature ejaculation drug.

Promescent helps men control untimely ejaculation, enabling long-lasting and vigorous intercourse resulting in a great sexual experience.

A Promescent user, Saheed J.,who is resident in Lagos, said,”Now I decide when to have an orgasm; not my body. With Promescent, I have the time and freedom to provide my wife fantastic sexual pleasure. She loves the product more than I do.”

According to an anonymous user in Port-Harcourt, “Promescent is an amazing product. This is the first time I use a sexual enhancement product that has zero side effects on me or my partner. I last three to four times longer; It’s unbelievable. My friends are thanking me for recommending it to them.”

“Promescent is excellent; With the 7.4ml, it costs less than N600 for each time I make love to my partner and I will happily pay this for great sex. Kudos to Promescent for achieving this unique product,” says Abubakar M. from Kaduna.

Also expressing satisfaction with Promescent, Salih O. A., in Abeokuta, said, “Promescent is a perfect drug for PE (premature ejaculation). It works like magic.”

Promescent, certified by renowned medical experts globally, provides men the control to not only last longer, but also to engage in her favorite sexual positions – the penetration, thrusting and clitoral stimulation that will bring her to orgasm.

“Promescent is an over-the-counter (OTC), topical PE medication that is applied directly onto the penis. It is recommended by more than 1,000 urologists in the USA.” Mates Pro Limited says.

“Its patented absorption technology is the key to giving you ejaculation control and is what differentiates it from other – less effective – delay sprays, while maintaining good sexual sensation and no transfer to your female partner, giving her great satisfaction.”

“The use of condoms is also not mandatory when using Promescent,” Mates Pro Limited adds.

More information on the product and how to order can be found on


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