Wednesday, 26 June 2024

Latest News

Does circumcision affect sexual sensation?

Besides the uncomfortable idea of a steel blade in a highly sensitive region, many uncircumcised brothers are concerned with the…

Key dates in embryonic research

 PARIS - Britain's House of Commons voted Tuesday to allow the use of donated DNA to create so-called "three-parent" babies…

Ebola nightmare 'does not end with recovery'

People who survive Ebola continue to suffer from serious physical and psychological ailments and require care long after the deadly…

Rwanda, US researchers develop HIV testing kit

  HIV and syphilis testing and diagnosis could soon be simplified to a simple procedure that can be carried out…

Nigerian Water Shortage Is Bigger Killer Than Boko Haram: Cities

Nigerian Water Shortage Is Bigger Killer Than Boko Haram: Cities We build expensive mansions, buy expensive materials and we still…

Popular News

Many men living with prostate cancer are confronted with significant…
By prioritising mental health advocacy and policy reforms, Nigeria can…
The National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control…

Autism community's leaders make it crystal-clear: Vaccinations do not cause autism

In 1998, Andrew Wakefield conducted a study of 12 children linking the MMR vaccine to the onset of autism. His…

IMF grants $100 million debt relief to Ebola-hit countries

The International Monetary Fund has granted Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone debt relief of about $100 million in total, the…

Massachusetts toddler dies after lice treatment goes awry

A western Massachusetts toddler died over the weekend after suffocating while undergoing a home treatment for head lice involving mayonnaise…

Woman wakes up from coma 4 hours before life support was to be turned off

  Miracle for Nebraska family as grandmother of 5 faces long recovery — and life without hands or feet A…

Cost of having diabetes has doubled in two decades

  The cost of managing diabetes has more than doubled in the past 20 years, a new analysis says. The…

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