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How The Obamas Conquered and Then Greatly Divided America

The Obama/Biden Legacy Lives On Past Trump's Hateful Scamming Rhetoric.


In November of 2008, Barack and Michelle Obama did the unthinkable and unimaginable and even the intangible in this nation and got themselves elected to the two top positions in the country – as President and First Lady of the United States of America, POTUS/FLOTUS. They stayed for two full terms, and then situationally relieved themselves of the responsibility of trying to make this nation look good and complete and in order.

Since the day, white America has been in a rage and on a constant rampage culminating with the white supremacist Trump, who gained office after his time had passed to prove he could win an election against the two of them, and here Trump is, two terms and one year later, STILL psychologically obsessed with comparing his health and smarts and everything else he can dream up (his “thingie”) to that of President Obama’s, as if that were even a question to be raised or a real comparison to make.

To this moment, they are still talking about the President’s Hawaiian birth certificate as if Hawaii is a foreign nation, and the time Obama spent in office trying to put an ECONOMICALLY broken nation back together again. Obama, in truth, never got around to the “race piece,” except for a few commentaries here and there that he had no choice but to speak on, and especially since he spent more than enough time fighting racism on a whole other level than most other Black people will ever get to see: FROM THE TOP, down.

In their white racist attempts to prove themselves right about the US that is part and parcel of the U.S., they got stuck with Trump — a destitute and utter EPIC failure of a man since the day he walked into President Obama’s office, and truly, to hear Trump’s very own sister tell it, since the day he was born. She said of him, in 2018, “Donny’s acting like a nutjob.”

President Pussy Grabber
Trump not only discovered that the only thing he could do is play golf since all of the work of making America great again had already been done, but also he discovered that the only ‘swamp’ he could drain would leave him homeless. He turned an elegant Oval office design into a tacky trashy reality show amphitheater in order to double down on his self-hype about what he is, and what he pays people to tell him about himself.


In truth, Trump and his wife were so racially heated and darkened when they arrived in D.C. that they refused to live in the White House for the first six months because of the “n-words” who had last graced it’s oval aches and rotund hallways. You didn’t get that out of the Obamas, who moved in behind the much whiter Bushes.

The Trumpensteins wouldn’t even move in until all traces of the Obamas were removed and replaced, and then Trump went to work quickly on racially sabotaging the President’s legacy as his wife also simultaneously plagiarized First Lady Michelle’s words, likely not caring that she would be found out a fraud. If nothing else, it proved that Melania had no mind of her own to get words of her own to speak to America. The First Lady was prepared for her role from the start, Melania Trump is still backward and confused a year after her treasonous husband took office.

Now comes the anti-Obama faction ONCE AGAIN, not only with an anti-Semitic plagiarizing lunatic racist cult leader for a President, but still TO THIS DAY, they cannot stop talking about how The Obamas divided a nation that was never united in the first place. Obama’s presence brought the truth about Racist America to the front and center of American politics where it could no longer hide, and Trump has not stopped choking on his own party’s ‘divide and conquer’ crapola to this very moment in history.

White American sensitivities took cover beneath the Helpist Black people who actually made them believe America had achieved generic racial detente when no such thing had EVER happened in the history of this nation. Just because there were far, far too many Black people afraid to admit, over the past five decades, that the racism had never ended did not mean it had.

Black America overwhelmingly went into overtime with the “kumbaya-ing” whilst trying to protect white folks penchant for nationalist violence by soothing their aching little bluebird hearts; and unfortunately, some Blacks even ABSORBED the racism by living in a false “bubble” of assimilated racial unity that never happened. Clarence Thomas went for the “our own merit” lie, knowing that he is not where he is of his own merit, and he soon discovered that after Antonin Scalia shoved him into the Negro Hole in the Supreme Court, where he belonged. To this day, America has not had a real Black man in the SCOTUS since Thurgood Marshall. The White supremacist’s Black support systems, folks like Thomas, took yet ANOTHER mental back seat to white privilege. They did not realize America’s white superiority had never been defeated, they had simply learned to acquiesce to it and leave it where whites could be comforted in their manifold sins against the God of all Mankind.

By then, by 2008, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s voice was momentarily silenced, Malcolm X was proven undoubtedly right about nearly everything, and the shame of it all is that it took an Obama getting elected to the highest executive office in the land to throw the cockroaches of white supremacy out from under their superlative hiding places and out into the wide open where everyone could see them for who they are and see where all of it-the hidden and covert racism that they had denied for decades- was coming from.

In 2018, nearly ten years after the fact of the Obama Election Legacy of 2008, they -the powers of Aryan Caucasian, that is- still say that Barack Obama “caused” some kind of a racial factioning and divide in America, but that never happened on his watch. It came to the surface because of his Black African-esque presence, he who dared to call himself AFRICAN AMERICAN, and not a faked out permeable Hollywood-ish version of acceptable whiteness, like “multi-cultural” or “mixed race” or even “afro-caucasoid”.

The truth is that the Great American Racial divide was always here, with its gaping shithole of a mouth wide open and waiting for the next “negroidal prey” to fall into it and lunge and die of outright superficial denial.

Black people like myself had always known it was there, after becoming “of a certain age” where whites no longer pretended to care about us.

It had never gone away, it was always creeping around pretending to be something other than what it was, and it had Black folks who supported it, who would look ‘the other way’ when faced to deal with it. The continuing racism that accompanied more than 200 years of slavery and has found itself a place in America that was never overcome, even when whites were proven wrong about us, well … it took Obama’s presence to pull the cover off it and show even the most jaded and superficial amongst us that it was still a fact of life.

The “divide” they imagine Obama caused is actually themselves hollering like the hit dogs that they are.

The Obamas are guilty of one thing and one thing only: Making the non-white-supporting mistake of proving that ALL Black people are not stupid, do not gangbang, act like “thugs,” do drugs, run from non-legally-compliant cops, or even hate America, as filthy and thuggish as it has acted toward us for the past nearly 400 to 500 years of our existence here.

The Obama’s presence unintentionally and unwittingly proved that WE were always right about America’s racism; and that we were NOT paranoid and even that those of us who did lean to paranoia had a JUSTIFIABLE reason for it.

Barack Obama and his BLACK family, and even his thickly dark African-featured American wife not of Clarence Thomas’ ilk, showed the entire world that most Black people in America and worldwide are intellectually authentic, good-looking, capable and independent, and are also loving, caring and giving to a self-hurting fault. Had we not been who God created us to be from Day One back in Eden, there is no doubt that a unified front with the majority of the other 90-percent of Black and colored people on the planet could have wiped their white asses off the surface of the Earth back to wherever the hell it was they came from, a VERY LONG TIME AGO.

They might be superficially-smart in their own right, but even bombs and guns can’t do the destruction that a unified people of ONE MIND are capable of. Even God Himself had to cut our ancestors off at the Tower of Babel and confuse the languages to stop them from completing a plan that they were apparently thoroughly capable of completing.

Genesis 11:6 – “The LORD GOD said, “Behold, they are one people, and they all have the same language. And this is what they began to do, and now nothing which they purpose to do will be impossible for them. 7 “Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, so that they will not understand one another’s speech.” 8 So the LORD scattered them abroad from there over the face of the whole earth, and they stopped building the city…

Don’t tell US what God can’t use us to do.

The “come to jesus” moment for white America happened in November of 2008, and they have not gotten over it yet. They shoveled themselves a shitload of Trumpism in order to feel okay about their sins, and they still have not reconciled themselves with the fact that the Obama’s satisfied ZERO of their own eternally racially divisive Jim Crow era stereotypes about us. When people have to lie about you, it means you are purely innocent, or that their own issues are deeper than yours.

The Jaded Ones were duped into believing that America was racially adept when it was anything but, and it still chokes them up to this day to know that MOST Black people in America are not a faked “FOX News” O’Reillyan or Limbaughean or Breitbartian stereotype; and that most MUSLIMS, of whom President Obama was not one no matter what they say about him, are a better race of people than most white Christians can ever aspire to be.

On Obama’s watch, their racist notions got flushed down a heap big toilet and they are still spazzing over it, as the leftovers of the white supremacist forefathers of their ancestry would expect them to do.

The psychological word for accusing the Obamas of racial division when it’s actually them is called “transference.”

It happens when someone is forced to look into a mirror and deal with their own internalized problems, and rather than face themselves and call it what it is, they find ways — any old excuse will do — to make their personal issues everyone’s fault but their own. They turned out to bury themselves in the graves they had planned for us, and that is the most Godly thing I’ve ever lived to witness. I never thought I’d see it in my short lifetime, but whoomp, here it is.

Here’s a stereotype that they can use for the Conquering “Joshua-type” hero of America, Barack Obama, and his Best American First Buddy (and our “Caleb,” i.e., Joseph Biden): THE MAINTENANCE MEN.

The two of them, together and strong, stomped those filthy shit-faced racist cockroaches in D.C. to the nines and back, so if the “racial divide” of Obama’s legacy is that he and Biden ran their racist asses up one side of the road and dragged them back down another, then they both DID THE DAMNED THANG and are to be congratulated for it.

For what we can see now, it appears -from all looks and intents- that Trump was sent in to finish the job they started, and they probably don’t even realize that Trump represents the very last of his blonde-orange breed that will ever raise its fat ugly head in the USA again.

In the words of future American President Joe Biden (???please Lord???)#2019, who hasn’t said much of anything since January of 2017, that really is a B.F.D. Our slogan for Biden: “MARSA – MAKE AMERICA RELEVANT AND SANE AGAIN”.

BTW, here’s the other way Obama conquered and divided America: Woke some ‘sleeping ass’ uncaring selfish Black folk the hell up, for a real change that we ALL needed to see.

PUBLIC NOTE: The opinions expressed in this article are the author's own and do not reflect the view of the Urban Intellectuals, affiliates or partners.



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