Saturday, 29 June 2024


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How Week-Old Baby Stolen From Onitsha Was Found in Lagos


Fresh fact is emerging on how a week-old baby that was allegedly stolen from Onitsha was found in Lagos.

The baby was allegedly handed over to a 25-year-old woman, Nkechi Obi, by a child trafficking syndicate, to be delivered to an unknown buyer in Lagos.

However, before the courier could deliver the baby to the buyer, she was arrested by a police team from the Lagos Command.

Though the 25-year-old suspect had earlier pretended not knowing what was happening, she later broke down in tears and confessed that she was sent to do the job by her madam.

The suspect, who identified her madam as one Mrs Ngozi Izuora, said she was put in a chartered vehicle from Onitsha, Anambra State and would have delivered the baby to its buyer but for the intervention of the police team.

"I am an apprentice and also a small time farmer. The woman that I am working for called me one morning and told me that I should go and give her friend the newly born baby boy.

"Out of fear, I did not ask her who owns the baby but obeyed her," she added.

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