*REGISTER HERE: https://bit.ly/3BDOORS*
*Who is this for?* ******************************** 1. New or existing Entrepreneurs. 2. Not for Profit Organizations. 3. Social Cultural Groups 4. Registered Charitable Organizations. *Take Aways* 1. Funding Opportunities 2. Expert Trainer. 3. Tips for getting needed funds. Funding applications processes. Errors and pitfalls to avoid. Ensuring you get access to workable grants according to size of your projects. 4. Networking with like minded people and professionals. 5. Access to better funding for your businesses and save tons of money on grant writers. *Discount of 20% for the first five people to register*. VERY LIMITED SPACES. TRAINING MEANT FOR VERY FEW DETERMINED TO UTILIZE THE KNOWLEDGE FOR INSTANT GAINS FOR THEIR BUSINESSES. *REGISTER HERE: https://bit.ly/3BDOORS*