Saturday, 23 November 2024

After drinking lots of Red Bull every day, Mother of 3 young children is going blind

A young mother is going blind after she drank an excessive amount of Red Bull.

26-year-old Lena Lupari of Newtownabbey, County Antrim, Ireland, who is unemployed, is going blind after drinking 28 cans of Red Bull a day.

 Lupari has gained a lot of weight since she began consuming seven liters of Red Bull on a daily basis.

The mother of three children ballooned to 26 stone (364 pounds) as she consumed more than 3,000 calories of the drink every day.

Lupari said that she was not aware of the damage she was doing to her body until she collapsed.

Doctors discovered that she had developed a condition known as idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH), which they said was a result of her being overweight.

Lupari was spending about 450 pounds ($700) a month on the high-calorie energy drink.

Lupari admitted that she used to drink 28 cans of Red Bull every day, and she had only one meal in the evening. The meal usually consisted of fast food.

After she collapsed, Lupari was hospitalized. She stopped drinking Red Bull and she lost 28 pounds. Doctors said that she needs to lose 98 pounds in order to keep symptoms at bay.

However, doctors cannot reverse the damage already done to her eyesight.

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