Ours is a case of agelong snailageism. Nothing moves here except the things that move. Even the things that do not move are moving faster than us. Nigeria is becoming a case of enweghi mmekwatalism.
This is 21st century where countries are daily breaking into the skies exploring and discovering new things. Countries building glass bridges. Countries building cities inside rocks and hills. Countries conquering time and space.
The above are developmental kindergärtners. Serious countries have agelong passed this pre-nursery development. It is something that should not call for overripe celebrate. If at this stage, we are still celebrating ordinary constructed roads, then, it is obvious that our retrogressive state may not end soon.
It was terrifyingly unfortunate that a toilet was commissioned somewhere in Nigeria and the citizens were present to rejoice over such primordial mockery?
It is disgusting that our leaders have played with our collective sense for long. A political office holder building and commissioning common ordinary toilet in this 21st century? It simply means we are not thinking ahead of time.
Well, I am not surprise because our minister of science and technology said some time ago that Nigeria will start producing pencil. Why are we this? Why have we decide to rise behind the sunset?
The most tragic is, Nigeria doesn’t care about our geniuses who have in this frustrating space projected our country into a global technological milieu.
We may not hear about the geniuses like the girls that developed App that can detects fake drugs.
Why others are moving ahead. We are here commissioning toilets and boreholes. Ours is a pitiful and pathetic state. Weep my Land!
UltraModern Staff Toilet