Michael Ade.Ojo is a distinguished and successful Nigerian who, from a very humble background, rose to become a prominent figure in the business sector.

Despite nearly being denied  education, he struggled his way through school. Today, he is the founder of Elizade Nigeria Limited, Toyota Nigeria Limited, marketing Toyota vehicles specifically made for Nigerian roads. He is also the founder of Elizade University, one of the fast-growing private universities in Nigeria, located in Ilara-Mokin, Ondo State.

He turns 86 years old today.

Born on June 14, 1938, in Ilara-Mokin, Ondo State, Ade.Ojo has, through his philanthropic activities and scholarships, empowered many less privileged Nigerians to become self-reliant and valuable members of society.

Education is the bedrock of society, and anyone who makes such an investment a priority, as Ade.Ojo has done, truly has the people’s welfare in mind. He has not only established a university but also ensured that many who come across him have access to quality education.

For instance, Abidemi Jaiyeoba, a lecturer in the Faculty of Basic and Applied Sciences in the Department of Physical and Chemical Sciences, is one of the many Nigerians who have benefitted from the scholarships provided by Michael Ade.Ojo.

In 2013, Jaiyeoba, who hails from Ilara-Mokin, Ifedore LGA, Ondo State, initially received a partial scholarship from Elizade University to study Biochemistry. Unfortunately, due to his father’s health challenges, he couldn’t meet his part of the scholarship obligations. While struggling and contemplating either dropping out of her programme or transferring to a federal government university, Ade.Ojo was informed of her predicament. Ade.Ojo immediately arranged for Jaiyeoba to be awarded a full scholarship.

She narrated, “After the first semester, I achieved a first-class GPA, but I was struggling with basic needs like food and clothing. The founder’s representative assisted me with some money for clothing, for which I was very grateful. I was often the talk of the campus because I looked so haggard and unkempt. The Bursar had already sent a reminder for the remaining school fees balance, and I didn’t have a smartphone or a PC, making it difficult to read and do assignments. I relied on the library most of the time. The pressure was so intense that I considered leaving.

“I was exhausted and fed up with the situation, so I pleaded with my HOD to release me so I could go back to FUTA. Many staff members, including some foreigners and those who knew me well, like Prof. Hillhouse, Dr Onadeko, and Dr Onile, heard about my struggles. They held a meeting with the school management and the founder, and the outcome favoured me. I was given a full scholarship and free meals, and the school management even bought me a PC, which I’m still using. They also included me in the student support scheme.”

Jaiyeoba sent his birthday wishes to Ade.Ojo saying, “I wish that God Almighty continues to bless him with long life,  sound mind, and good health. May he never know sorrow or see any evil in his old age. From what I know about Chief Michael Ade Ojo, he loves his town and has invested massively in it. He has helped the less privileged and impacted many lives, giving people hope and opportunities to become successful. He is a unique individual who has lived a fulfilled life and made a significant impact. Chief Ade Ojo is a very good person who understands various facets of life. He embraces honest people with open arms and appreciates industrious and trustworthy individuals.”

 Another beneficiary of his scholarship, Emmanuel Ogunmoriyele, narrated that he gained admission to Elizade University on January 2, 2013 However, his father Gilbert Ajayi(now deceased), couldn’t afford the school fees.

He explained that his father went to Chief Michael Ade.Ojo to solicit financial assistance.

“He assured us he would help, and soon after, the registrar, Mr Omololu Adegbenro, informed us that Baba (Chief Michael Ade Ojo) wanted to offer scholarships to some students who had gained admission but could not pay their fees. Eight of us were given full scholarships, and I was the only indigenous student to receive one from the first year to the final year.

“I studied Microbiology at Elizade University and graduated in 2017. After completing my NYSC, I went back to Chief Michael Ade Ojo, who had become like a father to me. I told him I needed a job, and he asked if I could work at Elizade University. I expressed my desire to work in Lagos instead. He then took me to his company, Elizade Nigeria Limited, where I was interviewed and given a job as a salesman. Initially, it was challenging to adjust, but Chief Ade Ojo continuously encouraged and guided me. With his support, I have now  worked at Elizade Nigeria Limited for four years.”

Even after my father’s passing, Chief Ade Ojo has remained a steadfast supporter of our family, helping in numerous ways.

“I wish Chief Michael Ade Ojo good health, long life, and prosperity. He has been my father, mentor, and helper. Words cannot fully express my gratitude for all he has done for me. I am honoured to know him and be one of those who have grown under his guidance.”

 Also speaking glowingly about this great business icon ,the Vice-Chancellor of Elizade University, a Professor of Medicine, Kayode Ijadunola,  described him as very meticulous in his approach to everything, always taking his time to plan in detail, even for domestic matters such as hosting a lunch or throwing a party.

“I have also learned that he is a disciplinarian, starting with himself. He describes himself as a careful and contented person who avoids ego trips, unnecessary competition, and ostentatious displays. He is very accountable and expects the same from those around him. He does not suffer fools gladly and spares no cost in achieving any worthy cause he believes in. He leads a quiet, comfortable life and deeply values family, often consulting them on various issues. He is a community enthusiast, positively impacting his immediate and distant communities within his means and influence.”

Ijadunola noted that the 86-year-old Ade Ojo is also a great lover of sports and education. As an exercise and fitness advocate, he often engages in at least one hour of fitness walks daily. He revealed that the octogenarian founded and funded the Smokin Hills Golf Resort in Ilara-Mokin and has sponsored golf competitions there over the years.

He said, “His Elizade Ojo Educational Foundation established Elizade University in 2012 to educate young men and women in Nigeria, equipping them with scholarly, technical, ethical, and entrepreneurial skills for today’s and tomorrow’s world of work and business. He has been a pillar of support to us at Elizade University over the past 12 years.”

In his birthday message to Ade.Ojo, Ijadunola said, “I can only wish Chief Michael Ade.Ojo a happy 86th birthday and many happy returns of the day, in good health of body and mind, and surrounded by the love of family and friends. May he be around for many more glorious years to continue to be of service to God and humanity, as he has been over the years. Ad Multos Annos, Baba Ade.Ojo.”

The Registrar, Mr Omololu Adegbenro, shared that Ade.Ojo had been his benefactor for over two decades. Reflecting on his time with Ade. Ojo, Adegbenro highlighted Ade.Ojo’s commitment to empowering everyone around him and his deep dedication to the growth and development of Ilara-Mokin. Ade.Ojo’s numerous investments in the community have been highly impactful.

He reiterated that Chief Michael Ade Ojo is a unique man, a special individual sent by God to Ilara-Mokin in particular and Nigeria, in general, to contribute to the country’s growth and development. Ade Ojo is a philanthropist who is humble and does not tolerate excuses for failing to do the right thing.

 He is hardworking and values integrity, honesty, and fairness. A successful businessman, he also has a deep interest in education.

 Adegbenro provided some historical context about Elizade University: “Initially, he planned to establish a secondary school, but during Chief Olusegun Obasanjo’s presidency, there was a policy to merge all polytechnics with universities. Consequently, he decided to establish a university instead, which has now existed for about 12 years. Chief Ade Ojo has funded endowments and scholarships for indigent children who have gained admission to the university but cannot afford the fees. He has fully sponsored around 30 to 35 students from Ilara-Mokin.

“Believing that the local community should benefit, he encourages local students to attend the university. He has invested over 40 billion naira into the university, making it one of the most beautiful campuses in Nigeria. Currently, a boys’ hostel costing about N4.5b is under construction, a type of building rarely seen in Nigerian universities.”

“His goal in establishing the university was not for profit but to provide Nigerian youths with educational opportunities comparable to those abroad. The university now offers 31 fully accredited programmes, including law, nursing, and six engineering degrees, notably automotive engineering. Despite its young age of 12 years, the university excels in various fields. Additionally, Chief Ade Ojo has significantly contributed to the community by paving all major roads in the town, while also drilling boreholes to provide decent water for the people of Ilara-Mokin.

“I wish our Founder a happy birthday and many pleasant returns of the day in good health and sound mind.”