Saturday, 29 June 2024

Latest News

43-year-old virgin gets 8-inch bionic penis after a childhood tragedy

  Mohammed Abad, 43, from Edinburgh, Scotland lost his genitals at the age of 6 after he was knocked and…

Boy, 2, born with THREE penises

  Boy, from Uttar Pradesh, had two penises and one 'soft, bony mass'  Was taken to Sion hospital in Mumbai…

The alarming statistic of paternity fraud in Nigeria – Are you your baby’s daddy?

In an article that recently resurfaced, originally published two years ago, a DNA expert said three out of 10 Nigerian men are not…

Federal Medical Centre (FMC) Owo, Ondo State stinks: “Ondo FMC boss too corrupt”

The Association of Resident Doctors (ARDs), Federal Medical Centre (FMC) Owo, Ondo State have urged the Federal Ministry of Health…

Research shows working long hours may increase stroke risk

  Researchers on Friday revealed that working 55 hours or more per week, might be associated with greater risk of…

Popular News

Many men living with prostate cancer are confronted with significant…
  Alcohol kills nearly three million people annually, the World Health…
The new strain of the mpox virus is spreading quickly…

Delta Taxis apologises to mum of boy with Aspergers Syndrome

Claire Brown, from Bootle, complained to Delta about the way one of the taxi firm's drivers behaved . Delta Taxis…

10 miscarriages in 10 years now rejoicing with 'miracle' baby's first birthday

  For a long time, Sarah and Mark Brennan had to cope with heartbreak after heartbreak. Having suffered 10 miscarriages…

Saved by a risky surgery

  Brave: Jose Serrano is pictured with the large growth on his neck An eleven-year-old boy with a giant growth…

DO YOU KNOW WHAT IS CALLED PICA?: Girl eats everything she can see - including TOILET BRUSHES

  A toddler is literally eating her mum out of house and home because of a rare condition that means…

Unborn child, and my unborn twin: "Doctors discover unborn twin inside woman which had been growing for 40 years

Speaking for the first time since the discovery, Jenny said: "I try not to think of it too much because…

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