Wednesday, 26 June 2024

Latest News

After drinking lots of Red Bull every day, Mother of 3 young children is going blind

A young mother is going blind after she drank an excessive amount of Red Bull. 26-year-old Lena Lupari of Newtownabbey,…

Sierra Leone Records Two Fresh Ebola Cases

  Two new cases of Ebola have surfaced in Sierra Leone’s Tonkolili district after a man died last week in…

Nigerians who have no polio vaccination certificates are banned from entering Qatar

QATAR has banned all Nigerian travellers who do not have valid polio vaccination certificate from entering the country as part…

WE ARE ALL EQUAL - Mathew Iduoriyekemwen

A chieftain of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Mr. Mathew Iduoriyekemwen, on Sunday appealed to Forum of Nigerian Albinos (FONA)…

Major Causes of infant deaths in Africa identified by Consultant Paedietrician

No fewer than 250,000 infants die every year in Nigeria due to lack of unskilled health workers and antenatal care,…

Popular News

Many men living with prostate cancer are confronted with significant…
By prioritising mental health advocacy and policy reforms, Nigeria can…
The National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control…

For aborting six-month-old pregnancy, Fake Doctor and Nurse in trouble

A certain Mr. Taiwo Ogunlana, claiming to be a medical doctor and his assistant nurse, Kafayat Oyekola, have today been…

Fried Chicken Makes Man Grow Big Breasts

A 26 –year old Chinese man was very frustrated to find his breasts getting bigger and bigger and went to…

China man recovers hand after being grafted to leg

A man successfully had his severed hand restored to his arm after it was preserved by being grafted to his…

Police arrest teenager for removing kidney, intestine of four-year-old boy

  The Lagos State Police Command said it has arrested a 16-year-old boy over the alleged murder of a four-year-old…

How I survived six-hour delicate surgery

  In the daily hustle and bustle to make a living, we often tend to forget how delicate life is…

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