Wednesday, 26 June 2024

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Breaking the Silence on Maternal Mental Health – @Lanre_Olagunju

  When pregnancy related illnesses are being listed, mental health challenges that affect women during pregnancy and after delivery are…

Are we ready for a test that could ‘pre-diagnose’ autism in babies?

For children with autism, early intervention is critical. Therapies and education – especially in the first two years of life…

STOP DYEING YOUR HAIR: Yombo-fitta and Yombo-tumtum chemicals cause CANCER

Prof. Folahan Adekola of the Department of Chemistry, University of Ilorin, has warned that dying of hair increases risk of…

STOP DYING YOUR HAIR: Yombo-fitta and Yombo-tumtum chemicals cause CANCER

Prof. Folahan Adekola of the Department of Chemistry, University of Ilorin, has warned that dying of hair increases risk of…

Kyphosis (Hunchbacks), Experience of population living with kyphosis and ‘Condition medical not mythical’

Kyphosis (from Greek κυφός kyphos, a hump) refers to the abnormally excessive convex kyphotic curvature of the spine as it…

Popular News

Many men living with prostate cancer are confronted with significant…
By prioritising mental health advocacy and policy reforms, Nigeria can…
The National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control…

'Survival in life and 55 per cent of child mortality is associated with malnutrition" - UNICEF

UNICEF said on Thursday that 55 per cent of child mortality in Nigeria was associated with malnutrition. UNICEF Chief Nutritionist,…

Why Nigeria took so long to get non-polio endemic status

For both Nigeria and the continent, the country’s removal from the list of polio endemic countries is a huge step…

What makes a 'good looking' penis revealed by scientists - and it's not the size

WARNING: ADULT CONTENT The age-old question of 'does size matter' is about the be answered thanks to the diligence of…

Wait for your turn, babies first for Breastmilk - Prof. Oke Advises Husbands

Prof Wale Oke, Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LASUTH) Chief Medical Director (CMD), has urged Nigerian men to stop competing…

The Fake Nigerian Medical Doctor who "doctored" N17 Million Salary in his pocket

A Nigerian fake doctor, Martin Ugwu Okpe who worked in the Federal Ministry of Health since 2006 received about N17million…

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