Tuesday, 18 June 2024

Latest News

In Nigeria, neglected women bear the shame of fistulas

 After giving birth five times, all Amina Bello is left with is a fistula, an abnormal opening between her vagina…

River Blindness is dangerous, “.....may lead to ‘leopard’ skin and ‘lizard skin’. — NTD Director appeals to Government

Acting Director, Neglected Tropical Diseases Division (NTDs), Federal Ministry of Health, Dr Ifeoma Anagbogu on Wednesday said over 50 million…


OGOGORO producers have warned the federal government against banning the production of their product in response to calls for it…

Bloody Thursday as police, thugs, attack protesting Enugu hospital workers

  THE peaceful pro-test organized by the striking workers of the Federal Neuro-Psychiatric Hospital, New Haven, Enugu, over the non-payment…

Fake Medical Doctor under arrest

  Police have arrested a man who had been working in the federal ministry of health as a doctor for…

Popular News

Many men living with prostate cancer are confronted with significant…
Inside Yobe govt’s fight against kidney diseases Since the launch…
shutterstock. Jennifer Fitchett, University of the Witwatersrand and Stefan Grab,…
shutterstock. Jennifer Fitchett, University of the Witwatersrand and Stefan Grab,…

5 Sexual Acts That May Cause Cancer

Sex as an act does not cause cancers but the viruses and infections transmitted from an infected partner during unprotected…

HIV: A Better way to Improve treatment discovered

  A US-led study that started in 2011 and meant to run till 2016 has now been cut- short after…

South Africa’s bold move on salt gets off to a shaky start

South Africa has been a trailblazer on the continent in the global battle to reduce salt intake through food. But…

Children are being POISONED by sugar in sweets and drinks

Youngsters are not eating enough fruit and vegetables and too many sugary sweets and drinks, according to NHS chief executive…

Post-menopause? Hit the weights, not the treadmill

  Forget pilates, yoga or even taking a brisk walk in the park. Women over the age of 50 should…

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