Tuesday, 18 June 2024

Latest News

Activist explains how HIV can be eradicated in Nigeria

  Efforts to eradicate HIV/AIDS in the country would continue to remain a mirage unless Nigerians imbibe the culture of…

How dirty Anambra abattoirs forced commissioner to stop eating meat

IF the environment around abattoirs in most parts of Anambra State is anything to go by, most people in the…

NAFDAC raises alarm over quality of packaged water

  THE National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control, NAFDAC, has expressed concern that over 95 percent of…

A Nigerian Nurse has gone Mad in behaviour - read details

Alozie Ejimadu, a male nurse at the Federal Neuropsychiatric Hospital, Enugu has been suspended for injecting un-prescribed drug into a…

Pesticides in fruit and veg affect semen

  A new study has found an alarming link between eating fruit and vegetables that have pesticide residues and the…

Popular News

Many men living with prostate cancer are confronted with significant…
Inside Yobe govt’s fight against kidney diseases Since the launch…
shutterstock. Jennifer Fitchett, University of the Witwatersrand and Stefan Grab,…
shutterstock. Jennifer Fitchett, University of the Witwatersrand and Stefan Grab,…

Air pollution may be damaging children’s brains – before they are even born

Exposure to air pollutants during pregnancy may contribute to childhood abnormalities in the brain, a new study suggests. The research,…

How World War II spurred vaccine innovation

Military needs drove the development of vaccines we still use today. US troops storming beach via www.shutterstock.com.      …

Bleed me: why excess iron can be dangerous

Iron is a most versatile element. It is essential to many of the enzymes that are the engines for life,…

People of Liberia have won the war against the disease, now is party time.

After 14 months, Liberians were finally able to dance in the streets after being officially declared Ebola-free, reports the BBC.…

Is Red Palm Oil Healthful or Harmful to Your Health?

Red palm oil (Elaeis Guineensis) is arguably one of the most-controversial ingredients of our time. Lately, the Red Gold, as it is…

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