Tuesday, 18 June 2024

Latest News

Premature ejaculation: Promescent users share experience

 Barely five months after authorised sole distributor, Mates Pro Limited (www.matespro.com), launched Promescent in West Africa, customers have started sharing…

Over 10,000 people representing 18% of those tested in Lagos are HIV positive

OVER 10,000 people have tested positive for HIV in Lagos State over the last year out of a total of…

Good mental health care in prisons must begin and end in the community

  People with mental illnesses are greatly overrepresented in our prisons. Prisoners are two to three times as likely as…

Drinking Just One Alcoholic Drink A Day Linked To Liver Disease

  Most studies assessing the prevalence of alcohol abuse as a risk factor for alcoholic cirrhosis focus on total annual…

Fitness Tip 102: Push Yourself Now & Your Body Will Thank You Later

In terms of your health and wellness and just overall life, don’t sacrifice what you want most for what you…

Popular News

Many men living with prostate cancer are confronted with significant…
Inside Yobe govt’s fight against kidney diseases Since the launch…
shutterstock. Jennifer Fitchett, University of the Witwatersrand and Stefan Grab,…
shutterstock. Jennifer Fitchett, University of the Witwatersrand and Stefan Grab,…

Herbal Tea To Treat Malaria Heads For Clinical Trial In Burkina Faso

  Malaria causes up to 32 percent of deaths in Burkina Faso, and a traditional herbal medicine used locally to fight the mosquito-borne…

Making Anambra State Medical Tourist Destination

It is exhilarating and necessary to appreciate the spectacular amount of money in the tune of N500, 000,000 released by…

With new dietary guidelines in the works, what exactly are we supposed to eat?

Since 1980, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA) have been providing information to Americans on how to make choices to…

Wife files for divorce after her husband urinated in her bed

A wife filed for divorce because she was tired of her husband urinating in her bed, according to court documents…

Doctor leaves sponge inside woman’s stomach after Cesarean section

A new mother was horrified to learn that her doctor left a sponge inside her stomach following a Cesarean section,…

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